The Distinguished Lecture on “Inertial sensor for TianQin project” will take place as follows:
Date: 28 May 2024 (Tue)
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Venue: Research Building N21, GF, Room G013
The speaker is:
Prof. ZHOU Ze-Bing, Professor, Department of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
The Lecture is:
Inertial sensor for TianQin project
TianQin is a Chinese space-borne gravitational wave detector proposed in 2014, and aims to detect gravitational waves in the frequency range of 1mHz ~ 1 Hz, with three earth orbiting satellites with an orbital radius of about 105 km forming an equilateral triangle with side length 1.7×105 km. The free falling test masses are used as inertial references to provide measurement points for intersatellite laser interferometry, and also to guide the micro-thrusters control the spacecrafts to follow up them. The residual acceleration noise in the direction of the sensitive axis (intersatellite link) must be not exceed 10-15 m/s2 /Hz1/2 within the detection band for TianQin. In this talk, firstly I will introduce the TianQin mission, and then present the requirement analysis and preliminary design of inertial sensor, finally give current progresses and its verification on the ground and in flight.
Prof. ZHOU Ze-Bing obtained his PhD in Structure Engineering from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2002. He worked in department of Physics, HUST since 1998 up to now, and he is a professor since 2004. Currently, he is the Head of Center for Gravitational Experiments, and National Precise Gravity Measurement Facility. His research interests include high precise space inertial sensor, and its applications in the fields of satellite gravity measurement and space gravitational wave detection in space. He has published more than 120 SCI papers.
For more details, kindly find the event poster, abstract and bio.