In November 2010, UM successfully passed the rigorous evaluation of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and obtained the approval for establishing the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (AMSV). This will be the first state key laboratory in microelectronics in Guangdong province and Macao.
The objectives of the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI are:
- Establish an excellent R&D platform in the area of advanced analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems that should meet the State and international standards.
- Building up a highly-qualified local technical and human infrastructure in advanced nanometer IC R&D
- Academic courses in analog and mixed-signal VLSI
- Cooperation programs among institutes and industries
- Application and commercialization of R&D results/patents

AMSV is providing technical and administrative support for advanced nanometer IC fabrication for R&D projects of the University and institutes or companies in cooperation, under AMSV’s main research lines and associated research lines. The research lines are responsible to launch cutting-edge research projects which are important in the development and advances of various electronics systems including:
- Data conversion and signal processing
- Wireless communication
- Biomedical engineering
- Power electronics controller ICs