Biomedical IC

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Ip Chon Hou, Sio Hang Pun, Mang I Vai, Peng Un Mak, The Network Security Regime for the Hybrid Connection of Healthcare Entities

2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB)

pp 1832-1834 May-2012
Jie Gao, Tianlan Chen, Pui In Mak, Mang I Vai, R. P. Martins, A Digital Microfluidic System with Low Voltage Threshold and Control Module for Droplet Manipulation

The 3rd International (West Lake) Forum on Microfluidic Analysis (IFMA)

Sio Hang Pun, Yue Ming Gao, Peng Un Mak, Hio Chon Ho, Kin Weng Che, Hang Kin Ieong, Kuok Hong Wu, Mang I Vai, Min Du, Galvanic Intrabody Communication for Affective Acquiring and Computing

Affective Computing, IEEE Transactions

Vol.3, Issue 2, pp145-151 Apr-2012
Boyu Wang, Feng Wan, Peng Un Mak, Pui In Mak, Mang I Vai, Robust Deterministic Annealing Based EM Algorithm

Electronics Letters

vol.48 , Issue 5 , pp.289-290 Mar-2012
Xi Mei Chen, Sio Hang Pun, Yue Ming Gao, Pui In Mak, Min Du, Study on transfer function of intra-body communication based on quasi-static electric field modeling

Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2012 IEEE-EMBS International Conference

pp 388-391 Jan-2012
Boyu Wang, Chi Man Wong, Feng Wan, Peng Un Mak, Pui In Mak, Mang I Vai, Trial Pruning Based on Genetic Algorithm for Single-Trial EEG Classification

Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE

pp 4666 - 4669 Jan-2012
Yue Ming Gao, Sio Hang Pun, Peng Un Mak, Mang I Vai, Min Du, 電耦合型人體通信收發器的設計與實現


vol. 37, pp. 90-93 Dec-2011
Yue Ming Gao, Sio Hang Pun, Peng Un Mak, Mang I Vai, Min Du, 微弱電流耦合信號在人體上臂傳輸的建模與分析


vol. 15, pp. 9738-9741 Dec-2011
Yi Xian Lan, Yue Ming Gao, Sio Hang Pun, Peng Un Mak, Mang I Vai, Min Du, Comparison of Receive Mode of Galvanic Coupling Intra-body Communications

presented at the The 6th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology, 2011

(in Chinese) Nov-2011
Cheng Dong, Chio-In Ieong, Mang I Vai, Peng Un Mak, Pui In Mak, Feng Wan, A Real-Time Heart Beat Detector and Quantitative Investigation based on FPGA

IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia)

pp. 65-69 Oct-2011
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