State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (University of Macau)
Management Methods for Open Research Projects
I. General information
1. The State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (hereinafter referred to as “SKL-AMSV”) of the University of Macau (UM) is implementing the Open Research Project Programme (hereinafter referred to as “The Project”), for strengthening academic exchanges, improving the quality of research, serving as an interdisciplinary research platform, and fostering high caliber talents. To this end, SKL-AMSV has made the management methods (hereinafter referred to as “This Method”) in compliance with SKL-AMSV policy of “openness, mobility, union, and competition”. The Project is open to all international or national scientists and researchers working in universities, and other academic and R&D institutions.
2. The Project is a crucial scheme to connect SKL-AMSV with other institutions by utilizing lab-scale resources including know-how and professionals to consolidate research outputs and talent cultivation to advance current technologies in the related field. Applicants are encouraged to carry out the research collaboration with the members of SKL-AMSV.
3. The Project implementation mechanism shall be in a collaborative framework. There must be at least one full-time faculty member of SKL-AMSV joining The Project as a collaborator (hereinafter referred to as “Collaborator”). The role of the Collaborator is the coordinator in The Project and shall have a close research interest with the applicant.
4. SKL-AMSV launches the “SKL-AMSV(UM) Guidelines for Open Research Project Applications” (hereinafter referred to as the “The Guideline”) in due course. The Project proposal will be reviewed by SKL-AMSV ORP Review Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “The Committee”), through a fair, transparent, and rigorous assessment system.
II. Evaluation process
1. The applicant shall submit an electronic project proposal to SKL-AMSV within the designated application period, according to The Guideline released each year.
2. The proposal would generally be evaluated depending upon the anticipated outputs and outcomes; relevance of the proposal with the scope of The Guideline; novelty, feasibility, and scientific merit of the proposed research; clear identification of the research problem; clear articulation of methodology and rational budgetary plan; the technical, social, and economic viability of the proposed research and be able to make major progress.
3. The Project is affiliated with SKL-AMSV, the applicants are encouraged to carry out joint research with The Collaborator of SKL-AMSV. The Collaborator is ineligible to apply for The Project as PI.
4. The Project should be time-bound normally for a duration of 24 months.
5. The applicant must be a holder of a doctorate’s degree or have been working in a position of assistant professor or above. The Project is to be led by faculties or scientists working in recognized universities, other academic or R&D institutions, and enterprises. Priority will be given to projects that have led to significant outputs, the PI/research team has relevant experience from previous research in the chosen area, the PI has led key national projects, or the PI/research team has research collaboration with SKL-AMSV.
6. The Project proposals received will be evaluated for final selection and support by The Committee, through a fair, transparent, and rigorous assessment system. The decision of The Committee regarding the selection of projects is final and no further queries will be entertained.
III. Monitoring of The Project
1. The PI of The Project is required to participate in at least one academic activity organized by SKL-AMSV during the project period and in the meantime report the research progress to SKL-AMSV.
2. Implementation of The Project will be monitored through SKL-AMSV ORP Progress Report and SKL-AMSV ORP Financial Report. The PI will also furnish the scan copies of research outcomes in terms of publications, awards, patents, and knowledge transfer, within one month after completing the first year of The Project.
3. On completion of The Project, the PI is required to submit a complete and detailed SKL-AMSV ORP Final Report and SKL-AMSV Financial Report along with receipts, within 2 months after the date of completion of The Project.
4. At the conclusion of The Project, the PI shall submit the following technical documents to SKL-AMSV: a comprehensive report on the research details; the accepted or published academic papers with proper acknowledgment of SKL-AMSV; the raw data collected in The Project, such as experimental logbooks, etc.; the evaluation report; the award certificate; and other relevant supporting documentary evidence with regard to the achievements.
IV. Funding management
1. The Project duration is up to 2 years and the grant is up to MOP100,000 per each awarded project. SKL-AMSV will announce the commencing date of The Project each year.
2. Funding management of The Project shall be strictly in accordance with the financial guidelines of UM. Upon completion of The Project, PI shall provide timely the final statement of expenditure along with copies of invoices or supporting documentary evidence, for The Committee review and endorsement.
3. Eligible costs: personnel (research manpower) and indirect cost (management costs); minor research equipment and consumables; paper publication and national & international conferences; visiting scholar travel, etc.
4. The PI shall ensure that financial and purchase procedures are followed as per the prevailing norms of UM and all costs must be eligible according to UM’s rule, within the allocated budget.
5. The PI would assume financial obligations and responsibility for The Project and will be responsible for the compliance, reasonableness, authenticity, and relevance of the utilization of funds.
6. In case of the unforeseen event of discontinuance in The Project, SKL-AMSV reserves the right to intervene if necessary and, in extreme cases, terminate The Project at any stage upon the Director’s approval.
V. Knowledge sharing and management
1. The intellectual property rights acquired before the implementation of The Project shall remain vested in the Party and shall not be changed by joint development or participation in the project. This Agreement shall not be deemed as the transfer or license of the intellectual property rights owned by the respective parties. Any commercial application of these intellectual property rights should be discussed with the owner and a license contract should be signed.
2. The ownership of scientific and technological achievements and intellectual property rights completed jointly in the project shall be owned by all completion Parties. Any Party (including UM and PI organizations) that intends to carry out any commercial or industrial operation must obtain written confirmation from the completion Parties in advance. They must then discuss with the completion Parties (owners) of the scientific and technological achievements or intellectual property rights and sign an authorization contract before proceeding. The details shall be negotiated by completion Parties and determined in writing according to each proposal through mutual negotiation.
3. The details regarding patent applications, award applications, and other related matters shall be jointly negotiated by all Parties for each individual plan and confirmed in writing.
4. The scientific and technological achievements, as well as the intellectual property rights, jointly completed in the project by the Parties, can be used for teaching and scientific purposes free of charge, but only after obtaining the written consent of the completion Parties.
5. The PI is encouraged to publish high-quality research papers jointly with the Collaborator of SKL-AMSV, apply for awards and patents, and accelerate knowledge transfer.
6. The acknowledgments for publications, awards, patents, and knowledge transfer shall be: The research outputs of this Open Research Project Programme are funded by the Science and Technology Development Fund of the Macau SAR (004/2023/SKL) and the Open Research Project of the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (University of Macau) (Ref. No.: SKL-AMSV /ORP/xx/202x).
In Chinese: 本開放課題的研究成果由澳門特別行政區科學技術發展基金(檔案編號:004/2023/SKL)、模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室(澳門大學)開放課題(編號:SKL-AMSV /ORP/xx/202x)資助。
VI. Supplemental provisions
1. Subject to the nature of The Project that the research must be accomplished together with the Collaborator of SKL-AMSV. Hence, the DL No.122/84/M dated 15/12/1984, subsequently amended by the Law No. 5/2021 (Regime das despesas obras e aquisicão de bens e serviços) is not applicable.
2. This Method shall come into force from the day of promulgation.
3. This Method is made in English.
4. The State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (University of Macau) reserves all rights for final explanation.
Attachment: [SKL-AMSV ORP Management Methods 2025]