2024-06-06T16:31:35+08:002024-06-06|News&Events, News|

On 17 May, “The 1st Mix and Match Events: Lecture for Talent and IC Policies in the Cooperation Zone & UM Talent Job Fair” was held at the Zhuhai UM S&T Research Institute in Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone.
The event was jointly sponsored by the Economic Development Bureau of the cooperation zone, the Microelectronics Institute of the University of Macau (IME), and Zhuhai UM S&T Research Institute (ZUMRI). About 80 representatives of integrated circuit experts from Hengqin and Macao, teachers and students of UM, and representatives of integrated circuit enterprises in the cooperation zone participated in the event.

At the opening of the event, Chen Guokai, acting president of ZUMRI, delivered a speech. He said that as the first integrated circuit talent training base unveiled in the cooperation zone, ZUMRI gives full play to the resource advantages of the State Key Laboratory of the University of Macau, so that enterprises can better understand the development of the integrated circuit industry and the direction of talent training in the cooperation zone, and build a bridge with the event to build a precise service platform for two-way selection of university talents and enterprises.

Ivor Chan, associate professor of IME, introduced the course plan of the training base during the year. It is reported that since the training base was approved in May 2023, it has carried out two short courses on analog and mixed-signal chip design, with a cumulative number of participants of nearly 130 people, and a new training course is planned to be held from May to July this year.

Zheng Jun, Head of Science and Technology and Talent Division of the Economic Development Bureau of the Cooperative Zone, introduced the relevant policies of the Cooperative Zone to support the development of talents. According to reports, the cooperation zone supports the introduction of academic talents, professional and technical talents and skilled talents in line with the direction of industrial development, and gives 270,000 yuan, 90,000 yuan and 60,000 yuan living subsidies to the doctors, masters and bachelors introduced by employers. A living allowance of 400,000 yuan will be given to each postdoc working in scientific research stations, sub-stations and innovation practice bases for two consecutive years.

In the afternoon of the same day, in the cooperation zone economic Development Bureau enterprise and talent service center held the Hengqin-Macau IC talent demand matching meeting, there are 6 IC related enterprises to provide 50 internship positions, contributing to the recruitment of nearly 50%, mainly involving power management, analog digital and other professional, open the door to Hengqin-Macau youth, providing internship opportunities and employment platform.

In the exchange and sharing stage, Liao Zhijun, CEO of Wisewave (Zhuhai) Technology Co., LTD., described the considerations of the global layout of the enterprise and Hengqin’s roots, and comprehensively evaluated the business environment of the cooperation zone from the aspects of industrial development ecology, talent supporting environment, comprehensive support policies, etc. In his view, “Hengqin is a potential stock in the rising period”. It is also an important gateway to integrate into the Greater Bay Area and open the vast mainland market.

In recent years, the integrated circuit industry in the cooperation zone has shown a good trend, and the total annual revenue of integrated circuit enterprises above the scale of the cooperation zone in 2023 is nearly 2.9 billion yuan, an increase of 2.8%.

More than 50 IC companies have already settled down in Hengqin, covering IC R&D and design fields such as high-speed interface class IP, GPU, driver IC and MEMS.