
Several research teams from the University of Macau (UM) received half of the prizes at the 2016 Macao Science and Technology Awards. 13 doctoral students and five master’s students from UM received the Postgraduate Science and Technology Research and Development Award.

UM received nine out of the 18 prizes, including three second prizes and three third prizes in the Natural Science Award, as well as one second prize and two third prizes in the Technological Invention Award category.

The evaluation committee conducted strict evaluation of 39 projects in accordance with the Regulations on Awards for the Development of Science and Technology. After a voting process, the evaluation committee suggested that 18 prizes be awarded this year, including 8 prizes in the Natural Science Award category, 6 prizes in the Technological Invention Award category, and 4 prizes in the Science and Technology Progress Award category.

UM recipients of the Macao Science and Technology Awards and their projects






Natural Science Award

Second Prize

Philip Chen

Computational Intelligent Systems for Modeling, Decision-Support in Tracking Control and Urban Traffic Assistance

Second Prize

Wang Yitao, Li Shaoping, Lee Ming-Yuen, Leung Chung Hang, Wang Chunming

Fundamental Research and Applications of Key Issues of Chinese Medicine Quality Evaluation

Second Prize

Jin Xiaoqing, Vong Seak Weng, Cheng Che Man

Preconditioning Techniques for Toeplitz Systems with Applications

Third Prize

Dang Pei, Qian Tao

Extra-Strong Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Fast Positive-frequency Decomposition of Analytic Signals Based on Analytic Phase Analysis

Third Prize

Hojae Shim, Lu Qi Hong, Li Xue Qing, Renata Alves de Toledo

Development of Biological Technologies to Remove Petroleum and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons from Soil and Groundwater and to Generate Renewable Energy for Effluent Reutilization Purposes

Third Prize

Tang Yuanyan

Theoretical and Computational Study for Image Pattern Analysis

Technological Invention Award

Second Prize

Mak Pui In, Rui Martins

Multi-standard Wireless and Multi-physical-sensing Chips for Functionality Extension of Next-generation Smart Mobiles

Third Prize

Xu Qingsong

Key Technologies and Applications of Large-Range Compliant Micro/Nano-Positioning Systems

Third Prize

U Seng Pan, Zhu Yan, Sin Sai Weng, Chan Chi Hang

High Performance Wideband Data Conversion Interfaces for a Evolving Informative World


UM recipients of the Postgraduate Science and Technology Research and Development Award include doctoral students Cheong Kit Leong, Yu Weihan, Ren Change, Lei Ka Meng, Wu Dingtao, Nan Wenya, Zhang Tong, Zhang Xiaojing, Zhao Jing, Liu Licheng, Lao Keng Weng, Cheang Chak Fong, and Zhong Haijing; and master’s students Wang Lu, Qi Liang, Chen Huanxian, Zeng Wenliang, and Cai Yuee.


Source: Communications Office

Media Contact Information:

Communications Office, University of Macau

Albee Lei  Tel:(853) 88228004

Kelvin U  Tel:(853) 88224322



UM Website:www.umac.mo