The University Lecture on “Perception-driven Visual Signal Modeling, Evaluation and Processing” will take place as follows:
Date: 24 Jul 2017 (Mon)
Time: 10:30 – 12:00
Venue: Lecture Hall, G013, N21, University of Macau
The speaker is:
Prof. Weisi Lin
Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
The Lecture is:
“Perception-driven Visual Signal Modeling, Evaluation and Processing”
There are at least three good reasons to make machines that process visual signals (image, video, graphics, animation, screen content, and their combinations) perceive as humans do: 1) most visual signals we manipulate are for human consumption; 2) the goal of many artificial intelligence (AI) tasks is to mimics human capabilities, such as learning and problem solving; 3) there is an increasing need for harmonious human-machine interaction (in the near future we may have to deal with robots acting as salespersons or care-givers to our senior citizens). So far, we have been able to build machines that perform significantly better and quicker than our body parts like arms and legs. However, when it comes to modeling human perception, the odyssey proves to be much more difficult.
In this talk, the major problems and research progress in perceptual signal processing will be first introduced. The basic computational models (e.g., visual attention, just-noticeable difference, and perceptual signal quality metrics) will be discussed with the latest research and development highlighted. Afterward, different perceptually-inspired signal processing techniques will be presented for signal acquisition, enhancement, communication, retrieval/search, adaptation and understanding. Much of the materials will be drawn upon the speaker’s substantial experience in related academic and industrial projects. The last part of the talk discusses future research and development possibilities, including those enabled by the emerging big data and cloud media, as well as issues related to circuit and system design.
Dr Lin Weisi is a well-recognized researcher in image processing, perception-based signal modelling and assessment, video compression, and multimedia communication systems. In the said areas, he has published 180+ international journal papers and 230+ international conference papers, 7 patents, 9 book chapters, 2 authored books and 3 edited books, as well as excellent track record in leading and delivering more than 10 major funded projects (with over S$6.5m research funding). He earned his Ph.D from King’s College, University of London. He had been the Lab Head, Visual Processing, in Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R). Currently, he is an Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, where he served as the Associate Chair (Graduate Studies) in 2013-2014.
He is a Fellow of IEEE and IET, and an Honorary Fellow of Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists. He has been elected as a Distinguished Lecturer in both IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2016-17) and Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (2012-13), and given keynote/invited/tutorial/panel talks to 20+ international conferences during the past 10 years. He has been an Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Quality and User Experience, and Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. He was also the Guest Editor for 7 special issues in international journals, and chaired the IEEE MMTC QoE Interest Group (2012-2014); he has been a Technical Program Chair for IEEE Int’l Conf. Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2013), International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2014), International Packet Video Workshop (PV 2015), Pacific-Rim Conf. on Multimedia (PCM 2012) and IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP 2017). He has been awarded Zukunftskolleg Mentorship (2014) by University of Konstanz (Germany), Distinguished Overseas Professorship (2014) by Xidian University (China), and High Impact Research (HIR) Icon (2016) by University of Malaya. He has served as a voting member of 7 IEEE Technical Committees, and on the IEEE ICME Steering Committee (2014-2015). He has been also elected to the European Network on QoE in Multimedia Systems and Services (QUALINET) from a Non-COST Country Institution, based on scientific merits. He believes that good theory is practical, and has delivered 9 major systems and modules for industrial deployment with the technology developed.
For more details, kindly find the event poster, abstract and bio.