
Date: 04 August 2015

Time: 11:30am~12:45pm

Venue: E11, G015, FST

Speaker: Prof. Boris MURMANN, Associate Professor, Sony Faculty Scholar,      Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

Topic: Mixed-Signal Circuits for the Data-Driven World



Our insatiable demand for sensing, communication and computing has been a key driver in the relentless scaling of CMOS feature sizes. However, as the benefits of "business as usual" scaling  are coming to an end, an increasing amount of out of the box thinking  will be required to maintain the progress slopes that we have become  accustomed to. In this spirit, my talk will focus on a number of opportunities in the design of mixed-signal circuits for next-systems.  Specific examples include: Analog equalization for high-speed links, always-on image sensing, and mixed-signal accelerators for approximate computing applications.


In the second part of this talk, we will highlight Stanford's new SystemX Alliance, which is a collaboration between Stanford University and industrial members, driving research in ubiquitous sensing, computing and communication with embedded intelligence. Previously known as the Center for Integrated Systems (CIS), SystemX emphasizes application-driven, system-oriented research. Its areas of interest include hardware and software at all levels of the system stack from materials and devices to systems and applications in electronics,networks, energy, mobility, bio-interfaces, sensors, and other  real-world domains.

A voltage monitoring IC with high-voltage multiplexer (HVMUX) and HV Transceiver for Battery Management Systems (BMS) is demonstrated. The voltage monitoring IC in a BIM (battery interconnect module) must be able to accommodate input voltage up to tens of volts, perhaps even hundreds of volts, which is difficult to be realized using a logic-based solution. To realize a solution on silicon, the voltage monitoring IC shall be fabricated using an advanced HV semiconductor process, which usually is constrained bythe voltage drop limitation between gate and source of HV devices.  To overcome such a limitation, a HV switch is proposed in this work, including a HV Gate Voltage Driver (HVGVD) driving the HV MOS without any over-voltage hazard.  Besides, a HV Transceiver is proposed using standard CMOS transistors without any isolator.

The lecture is open to the public

For enquiry:     State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI

Tel. (853) 8822-8796 ;  http://www.amsv.umac.mo ; amsv.enquiry@umac.mo