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Shuhao Fan, Qi zhou, Ka-Meng Lei, Pui-In Mak and R. Martins , 一种微型多核核磁共振成像平台


China Invention Patent (in substantive examination)

Rui Luo, Ka-Meng Lei, Pui-In Mak and R. Martins, 一种时钟频率校准电路及校准系统


China Invention Patent (in substantive examination)

Y. Jia, W. Hui, Ka-Meng Lei, Pui-In Mak and R. Martins, 一种基于集成电路的单细胞阻抗测量系统及方法


China Invention Patent (in substantive examination)

H. Li, Ka-Meng Lei, Pui-In Mak and R. Martins, 一种晶振启动电路及控制电路


China Invention Patent (in substantive examination)

Shuhao Fan, Qi Zhou, Ka-Meng Lei, Pui-In Mak and R. Martins, 磁共振成像扫描仪和磁共振成像系统


China Invention Patent (in substantive examination)

Ka-Meng Lei, Best poster award (as supervisor)

Workshop on IC Advances in China (ICAC)

Io-Wa Iam, Iok-U Hoi, Zhicong Huang, Cheng Gong, Chi-Seng Lam, Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, Constant-frequency non-communication-based inductive power transfer converter for battery charging

IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE)

Vol.10, no.2, pp. 2147-2162 Apr-2022
, Caiwei Li Mar-2022
Jiao Zhai, Caiwei Li, Haoran Li, Shuhong Yi, Ning Yang, Kai Miao, Chuxia Deng, Yanwei Jia, Pui-In Mak and Rui P. Martins, Cancer Drug Screening with On-Chip Multi-Drug Dispenser in Digital Microfluidic

RSC Lab on a Chip

Vol. 21, no. 24, pp 4749–4759 Dec-2021
Meiqing Liu, Ren Shen, Haoran Li, Yanwei Jia, Pui-In Mak and Rui P. Martins, Ratiometric fluorescence analysis for miR-141 detection with hairpin DNA-templated silver nanoclusters

Journal of Materials Chemistry C

pp. 655-664 Dec-2021
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