<SKL-AMSV / IME Distinguished Lecture: Turn the Sands to Chips







Distinguished Lecture: “Turn the Sands to Chips: Introductions on Integrated Circuit Industry and Institute of Microelectronics at UM

Date: 15 January 2023 (Sunday)

Time: 14:30 – 15:15

Venue: To be held online via Zoom


Speaker: Prof. LU Yan, Associate Professor, Institute of Microelectronics, University of Macau


<IME Master Programmes>


          – Course Study Plan (M.Phil.)  

          – List of Courses and Syllabus (M.Phil.) 

  • Master of Science (M.Sc) of Microelectronics 

          – Course Study Plan (M.Sc.)

          – List of Courses and Syllabus (M.Sc.)

  • Application and Admission Requirements: 



<SKL-ASMV Introduction & Achievement Exhibition>


  • Introduction video


  • Laboratory demo video

Wireless Power Transfer System


Portable, Automated Device and Platform for DNA Testing