Chi-Seng Lam received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from the University of Macau (UM), Macau, China, in 2012. He completed the Clare Hall Study Programme at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., in 2019.
From 2006 to 2009, he was an Electrical and Mechanical Engineer with UM. From 2009 to 2012, he simultaneously worked as a Laboratory Technician at UM, and pursued his Ph.D. degree in part-time. In 2013, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. He is currently an Associate Professor with the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI and the Institute of Microelectronics, UM, and also with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, UM. He has coauthored or co-edited four books and more than 130 technical journals and conference papers. He holds five U.S. and three Chinese patents. His research interests include power quality compensators, PV energy generation system, integrated power electronics controllers, power management integrated circuits, and wireless power transfer.
Dr. Lam was the recipient or co-recipient of the IEEE PES Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award in 2016, the Best Track Paper Award of APPEEC 2019, the Best Paper Award of ICTA 2019, the Merit Paper Award of the 3rd RIUPEEEC Conference in 2005, the Macao Science and Technology Invention Award (Second Class and Third Class) and the Research and Development Award for Postgraduates (Ph.D.) in 2018, 2014, and 2012, respectively. He was the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Macau Section from 2016 to 2020 and the Chair of the IEEE Macau CAS Chapter from 2017 to 2018. He is currently the Chair of the IEEE Macau IES Chapter, the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Macau PES/PELS Joint Chapter and the Power Quality Subcommittee Chair of the IEEE IES Technical Committee on Power Electronics. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, the IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society and the IEEE Access.
I am currently looking for Master and PhD degree candidates, research assistants, post-doctoral scholars with strong interests in my research interests.
Applicants should submit their CVs to Dr. Chi-Seng LAM by email: cslam@um.edu.mo or discuss with him directly if any information is needed.
For more information, please go to: https://sites.google.com/view/cslam/home
Research Interests
Low Power IC Design
- DC-DC Converters
- Voltage Reference Circuits
- Power Electronics Controllers
High Power Circuits
- Power Quality Compensators
- Renewable Energy Generation
- Wireless Power Transfer
Smart Grid Technology
Teaching Experience
B.Sc. Courses
- Information Technology Revolution and Electronics (ECEB120 / ECEN1003)
- ECE Seminar (ECEB321)
- Design Project I (ECEB410 / ECEN4000)
- Design Project II (ECEB420 / ECEN4001)
- Summer Research Programme for Undergraduate Students (SUMR001)
M.Sc. Courses
- Flexible Alternative Current Transmission System (ELCE720 / ECEN7018 / IMEL7004)
- Introduction to Research (ELCE701 / ECEN7001)
- Academic Thesis (ELCE798 / ECEN7999)
Ph.D. Courses
- Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECEN8001)
- Doctoral Thesis (ELCE899 / ECEN8999)
- Electrical Engineer (Professional Code: 02012E07), Macau Government Professional Council of Architecture, Engineering and Urbanism
- Senior Member, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Facility Management Professional (FMP), International Facility Management Association (IFMA)
2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award, IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)
IEEE Power and Energy Society
Sep-2017 -
2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award
IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)
Jul-2017 -
Second Prize in “2015 Demo Campus”
Macao Association for Promotion of Science and Technology
Nov-2015 -
The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT)
Nov-2014 -
Scientific and Technological R&D Award (PhD Student), Macao Science and Technology Award 2012
Calibration Circuit of Current Mode Bandgap Voltage Reference (电流模带隙基准电压源的校准电路)
No. 202111304187.0
Chinese Patent for Invention, Granted
Jan-2023 -
Control System for Buck Converter
No. 11,545,901
US Utility Patent, Granted
Jan-2023 -
Wireless Charging Circuit and System
No. 201911279433.4
Chinese Patent for Invention
Jul-2020 -
A hybrid grid connected power generation inverter system with power quality compensation
Application No. 201710980413.4
Chinese Patent for Invention
Oct-2017 -
Mixed signal controller
Granted, No. 9,692,232
US patent
Jun-2017 -
A Hybrid STATCOM with wide compensation range and low dc-link voltage
Application, No. 15/425,270
US Utility Patent
Feb-2017 -
Adaptive dc-link voltage controlled LC coupling hybrid active power filters for reactive power compensation
Granted Number: 9,122,296
Application Number: 13/591,266
US Patent
Sep-2015 -
Control strategy of adaptive dc-link voltage controlled LC-VSI device for reactive power compensation
Granted, No. 201210051133.2
Chinese Patent for Invention
May-2014 -
Capacitive-coupling STATCOM and its control
Granted No. 200710196710.6
Chinese Patent for Invention
(1st Power Electronics Invention Patent in UM)
May-2011 -
Design of a thyristor controlled LC compensator
Application, No. 15/614,672
US Utility Patent
A SAR-ADC-Assisted DC-DC Converter with Fast Transient Recovery
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II - Express Briefs (TCAS-II)
Sep-2020 -
Analysis in the effect of Co-phase Traction Railway HPQC Coupled Impedance on its Compensation Capability and Impedance-Mapping Design Technique based on Required Compensation Capability for Reduction in Operation Voltage
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 2631 – 2646 Apr-2017
Comparisons of different hybrid inverters for power quality compensation with/without active power injection
The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018)
pp.1085-1090 Oct-2018 -
Thyristor controlled LC filter and its control method
Symposium on Power Electronics and Electrical Drivers, SPEED
Changsha, China Apr-2017 -
A high DR multi-channel stage-shared hybrid sigma-delta modulator for integrated power electronics controller front-end
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC)
Toyama, Japan Nov-2016 -
An adaptive hysteresis band pwm control for hybrid active power filters in fixed frequency
The 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014)
Hong Kong, China, pp. 1-5 Dec-2014