
The University Lecture on “Modeling Cascading Failure in Power Systems from a Network Perspective” will take place as follows:

Date: 19 Sep 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 01:00am – 12:00pm

Venue: N21-G013, Lecture Hall, Research Building, University of Macau


The speaker is:

Prof. Chi K. Michael Tse, Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
IEEE Fellow and IEAust Fellow


The Lecture is:

Modeling Cascading Failure in Power Systems from a Network Perspective



This talk will focus on a network approach to model and analyze cascading failures in power systems. Historical data of blackouts in North America (1996 and 2003) provide real failure propagation profiles, which contain some stereotypical features. Our network-based model, combining a deterministic physical model for power flow simulation and stochastic methods for estimating failure dynamics, is able to reproduce cascading failure dynamics that capture key features of realistic blackouts. The 2016 Ukranian blackout, however, was confirmed to have been triggered by cyber attacks. It is thus highly relevant to consider a cybercoupled power system model, which can be conveniently obtained from extending the network-based model, resulting in an effective simulation model that can be used to capture key features of the dynamics of failure propagation in cyber-coupled power systems.


Chi K. Michael Tse graduated with BEng(Hons) and PhD degrees from Melbourne University in 1987 and 1991. He is presently Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where he served as Head of Electronic Engineering from 2005 to 2012 and on the University Council and Board of Trustees from 2013-2015. Prof. Tse’s research interest covers power electronics, nonlinear systems, communications and complex network applications. He was recipient of a number of research prizes including a few Best Paper Prizes from IEEE and other journals, as well as two Gold Medals in the International Inventions Exhibition in Geneva and a Silver Medal in International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada. In 2005, 2010 and 2018, he was selected as IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. He serves and has served as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine and NOLTA; as Editor of International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, and as associate editor of a few other IEEE journals. He has served on a number of IEEE committees including the IEEE Fellows Committee and the IEEE Awards Committee. He has been appointed to honorary professorship and distinguished fellowship by a few Australian, Canadian and Chinese universities, including the Chang Jiang Scholar Chair with Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Distinguished Professor-at-Large with the University of Western Australia. He is currently serving on panels of Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Innovation Technology Fund and as steering member of Hong Kong Quality Education Fund. He is a Board Member of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, a publicly funded flagship orchestra in Hong Kong. Back in his own university, he chairs the culture and art committee which organises events in visual art, theatre and music with public participation. He is an IEEE Fellow and an IEAust Fellow.


For more details, kindly find the event poster, abstract and bio.