
Date: 08 October 2015

Time: 2:30 PM~3:30 PM

Venue: E11, G015, FST

Speaker: Prof. C. Patrick YUE

Professor, Dept. of ECE, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

            Associate Provost for Knowledge Transfer, HKUST

            Director of HKUST-Qualcomm Joint Innovation and Research Laboratory

Topic: Recent Developments in Visible Light Communication – Applications and SoC Design




This talk presents two advanced visible light communication (VLC) modulator system-on-chips (SoCs). The first is an IEEE 802.15.7 PHY-I standard compliant VLC transmitter. The second is an active matrix LED microdisplay with embedded VLC function.

Using ordinary LED lights for VLC has received a great deal of research interest over the past decade due to a number of novel applications including location-based wireless broadcasting through LED lightings, signs with LED backlights and digital LED displays. Most of the VLC SoCs development has focused on wireless optical receiver design including custom CMOS imager whereas VLC transmitters have been predominately based on discrete implementation until recently. More importantly, the power consumption of dedicated VLC transmitters is prohibitively high with bit efficiency in the 100 nJ/bit range. To overcome these issues, this work demonstrates the first fully integrated VLC transmitter SoC compliant with the IEEE 802.15.7 standard embedded with a built-in 8-W LED driver. Excluding the power consumed by the LED driver, the SoC achieves a record VLC transmission efficiency of 5nJ/bit.  On the other hand, the miniaturization and integration of inorganic LED display modules have attracted significant research efforts due to their superior brightness and reliability compared to organic LED microdisplay. Combining these two technology trends, this paper also describes an active matrix LED (AMLED) driver SoC with built-in VLC modulation capability to demonstrate a WQVGA smart microdisplay featuring 1.25-Mb/s VLC for enabling LED digital signage as location-based information broadcaster and indoor positioning beacons. 


Prof. C. Patrick Yue (S’93–M’98–SM’05–F’15) received the B.S. degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1992 with highest honor and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1994 and 1998, respectively.

He is a Professor in Electronic and Computer Engineering and the Associate Provost for Knowledge Transfer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is also the Founding Director of the HKUST-Qualcomm Joint Innovation and Research Lab and the Center of Industry Engagement and Internship. His current research interests include IC design and device modeling for high-speed optical communication, visible light communication, wireless power transfer, and power management for bio-implants.

In 1998, Prof. Yue cofounded Atheros Communications (now Qualcomm-Atheros). While working in Silicon Valley, he was a Consulting Assistant Professor at Stanford. In 2003, he joined Carnegie Mellon University as an Assistant Professor. In 2006, he moved University of California Santa Barbara and was promoted to Professor in 2010. He has contributed to more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, 2 book chapters and holds 14 U.S. patents. He was a co-recipient of the 2003 ISSCC Best Student Paper Award. He has served on the committees of IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, IEEE International Wireless Symposium, IEEE RFIC Symposium, and Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference. He is an Editor of the IEEE Electron Device Letters and the IEEE Solid-State Circuit Society Magazine. He is an Elected AdCom Member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuit Society and an IEEE Fellow.


The lecture is open to the public

For enquiry:     State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI

Tel. (853) 8822-8796 ;  http://www.amsv.umac.mo