State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (University of Macau)
Guidelines for Open Research Project Applications 2025
I. Introduction
The State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (University of Macau) (hereinafter referred to as “SKL-AMSV”), was established by the University of Macau to conduct cutting-edge research on state-of-the-art electronics and other related emerging fields with research emphasis in analog and mixed-signal circuits specially focusing in wireless/wireline RF transceivers and data converters for high-speed and low-power applications. SKL-AMSV also actively develops research in power management circuits and microfluidic chips, developing solutions for Lab-on-Chip and eventually Lab-on-CMOS applications.
Under the development policy “openness, union, mobility, and competition”, SKL-AMSV encourages high-quality applied microelectronics for analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits and multidisciplinary academic research. It actively facilitates cooperation and exchanges with domestic and international research institutions, aiming to explore new research areas, establish novel technological platforms, and drive technological advancements in related fields. These efforts are aimed at achieving a series of high-quality independent innovations, thereby supporting the knowledge transfer and economic development of Macao.
In pursuit of this objective, SKL-AMSV has recently released its Guidelines for Open Research Project Application 2025 (This Guideline) and is currently inviting applications in various research domains. SKL-AMSV strongly encourages researchers, both from domestic and international backgrounds, with a keen interest in the microelectronics to proactively submit their applications. We eagerly anticipate partnering with exceptional research teams to collectively advance the progress of this field.
II. Eligibility
1. The Call for Open Research Project (hereinafter referred to as “The Project”) is open to researchers from domestic and international universities, academic institutions, enterprises, etc. The applicant must be a holder of a doctorate’s degree or have been working in a position of assistant professor or above.
2. Applicants are encouraged to carry out the research collaboration with members of SKL-AMSV and there must have at least one full-time faculty member of SKL-AMSV as a collaborator (hereinafter referred to as “Collaborator”) for each project.
3. The Project concerned shall conform to the research directions of SKL-AMSV. The projects leading to significant and frontier research outputs, having potential for international collaboration, or the PI being an excellent young scientist will be preferred for financial support.
4. The application proposals shall be submitted through email. PIs shall seek endorsement from their organizations by stamping on the application form before submitting the proposals to SKL-AMSV.
III. Scope of The Project
Following key areas of applied microelectronics for analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits have been identified, including but not limited to:
1. Wireless Communication
2. Data Converters
3. Power Electronics
4. Biomedical Electronics
5. Artificial Intelligence
6. IoT Electronics
7. Large-Area Electronics
8. Quantum Interfaces
IV. Application procedure
1. Applicants download and fill out the “SKL-AMSV Application Form for the Open Research Project” through this link (SKL-AMSV Open Research Project Application Form) and submit the completed application proposal to SKL-AMSV after stamping on the application form.
2. This open call will be closed on 31 March 2025.
3. The project proposals will be reviewed and assessed by SKL-AMSV ORP Review Committee (hereinafter referred to as “The Committee”). The list of approved projects will be announced on SKL-AMSV’s website and the notifications will be delivered to PIs via email in due course.
V. Financial support and project duration
1. The grant released for the approved project is for the specific project within the stipulated period. The released grant should be exclusively spent on The Project in accordance with the financial guidelines of the University of Macau (UM) and the Management Methods for Open Research Project 2025 (hereinafter referred to as “the Method”).
2. The maximum grant of each project shall not exceed MOP 100,000. The PI shall be responsible for the fund utilization and management in accordance with the relevant financial regulations. PIs/Institutions receiving funds would assume financial and other administrative responsibility for The Project.
3. The Project should be time-bound normally for a duration of 24 months and will commence on 1 August 2025.
4. The PI will be required to furnish a progress report and a final report on all aspects of The Project including expenditure incurred on various approved items during the period.
VI. Knowledge management and sharing
1. The intellectual property rights acquired before the implementation of The Project shall remain vested in the Party and shall not be changed by joint development or participation in the project. This Agreement shall not be deemed as the transfer or license of the intellectual property rights owned by the respective parties. Any commercial application of these intellectual property rights should be discussed with the owner and a license contract should be signed.
2. The ownership of scientific and technological achievements and intellectual property rights completed jointly in the project shall be owned by all completion Parties. Any Party (including UM and PI organizations) that intends to carry out any commercial or industrial operation must obtain written confirmation from the completion Parties in advance. They must then discuss with the completion Parties (owners) of the scientific and technological achievements or intellectual property rights and sign an authorization contract before proceeding. The details shall be negotiated by completion Parties and determined in writing according to each proposal through mutual negotiation.
3. The details regarding patent applications, award applications, and other related matters shall be jointly negotiated by all Parties for each individual plan and confirmed in writing.
4. The scientific and technological achievements, as well as the intellectual property rights, jointly completed in the project by the Parties, can be used for teaching and scientific purposes free of charge, but only after obtaining the written consent of the completion Parties.
VII. Acknowledgements
1. The PI is encouraged to publish high-quality research papers jointly with the Collaborator of SKL-AMSV, apply for awards and patents, and accelerate knowledge transfer.
2. The acknowledgments for publications, awards, patents, and knowledge transfer shall be: The research outputs of this Open Research Project Programme are funded by the Science and Technology Development Fund of the Macau SAR (004/2023/SKL) and the Open Research Project of the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (University of Macau) (Ref. No.: SKL-AMSV /ORP/xx/202x).
In Chinese: 本開放課題的研究成果由澳門特別行政區科學技術發展基金(檔案編號:004/2023/SKL)、模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室(澳門大學)開放課題(編號:SKL-AMSV /ORP/xx/202x)資助。
VIII. Other provisions
1. For matters not addressed in This Guideline, please contact SKL-AMSV at Tel: +853 8822 4700; Email:
2. Subject to the nature of The Project that the research must be accomplished together with the Collaborator of SKL-AMSV. Hence, the DL No.122/84/M dated 15/12/1984, subsequently amended by the Law No. 5/2021 (Regime das despesas obras e aquisicão de bens e serviços) is not applicable.
3. This Guideline is made in English.
4. The State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (University of Macau) reserves all rights for final explanation.
IX. Contact information
The address: State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (University of Macau)
University of Macau, N21-3003
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
Telephone: +853 8822 4700
Attachment: [Guidelines for SKL-AMSV ORP 2025]