
Date: 8 Sept 2016 (Thur)
Time: 02:30pm-05:45pm
Venue: Lecture Hall, G013, N21, University of Macau


The Lectures are:
“Power-efficient, high-resolution and reconfigurable SAR ADCs”
“Ultra low-power analog front-end design”


The speaker is:
Dr. Pieter Harpe
Assistant professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands



Pieter Harpe received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. In 2008, he joined Holst Centre / imec where he worked on low-power ADCs. In April 2011, he joined Eindhoven University of Technology as assistant professor on low-power mixed-signal circuits. His main interests include power-efficient and reconfigurable data converters and low-power analog design.



Power-efficient, high-resolution and reconfigurable SAR ADCs

This presentation describes recent developments in the field of SAR ADCs. The focus is on techniques to improve power-efficiency, techniques to achieve higher resolution, and ideas to make SAR ADCs reconfigurable in terms of speed and resolution. The presentation discusses architectural, circuit-level and algorithmic solutions. Recent examples from literature are used for illustration.


Ultra low-power analog front-end design

This talk, based on a recent publication, discusses the design of a nano-power analog front-end including pre-amplification and analog-to-digital conversion. It starts with fundamentals on power-efficiency in analog and mixed-signal circuits. It also describes considerations in terms of low-voltage operation and PVT reliability. After that, the presentation discusses one complete system implementation in more detail, including the amplifier, ADC, biasing stages and


The workshop is open to the public. For more details, please refer to the poster.

For enquiry: State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI
Tel. No: (853) 8822-8796 / (853) 8822-8035 / (853) 8822-4430