
Date & Time:      17 Dec – 18 Dec 2014
                          10:00am – 1:00pm on 17 Dec 2014
                          10:00am – 1:00pm on 18 Dec 2014

Venue:             Library Auditorium, G/F of UM Wu Yee Sun Library (E2)

Language:          English
Target Audience: All are welcome


Date: 17 Dec 2014
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Speaker: Prof. LEO LORENZ
Topic: Power Semiconductor Devices
Technology Trends  and Challenges in System Integration
Part 1: Introduction    
-Power Device Concepts (Basics)
-Device Integration perspectives( Smart Power Device Concepts)
-Challenges in Application

Date: 18 Dec 2014
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Speaker: Prof. LEO LORENZ
Topic: Power Semiconductor Devices
Technology Trends  and Challenges in System Integration
Part 2: New Power Semiconductors
Power semiconductor concepts for Power MOSFET’s,(SJ / FP)IGBT’s, SiC
-Semiconductor cell structure
-Electrical performance for Power MOSFET(incl.SJ devices & IGBT’s
-Integrated parasitic structures and Challenges in Power Integration
 Static electrical behaviour and datas
-Dynamic behaviour

Devices limiting factors
-Avalanche characteristics
-di/dt, dv/dt-Limitations and physical effects

Driving and Protection of Power Semiconductors
-Basic circuit topologies for driving MOS-controlled devices