

22-23 July 2011, University of Macau, Macao, China

Distinguished Lectures HG01 – HG03

Prof. Ian A. Galton, Full Professor, IEEE Fellow,

Head of Integrated Signal Processing Group,

University of California, San Diego, USA

•           Mismatch-Shaping Techniques for Delta-Sigma Data Converters   23/7 09:30

•           Digital Background Calibration in Pipelined ADCs               23/7 15:15


Prof. Bram Nauta, Full Professor, IEEE Fellow,

Head of IC Design Group,

University of Twente, The Netherlands

•           Ultra low-power & Wideband High-speed Nyquist AD Converter   22/7 18:30

•           RF Circuit Techniques in Nanometer CMOS                   23/7 11:15


Prof. Akira Matsuzawa, Full Professor, IEEE Fellow, 

Head of Matsuzawa and Okada Laboratories,

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

•           Low Voltage and Low Power ADC Design                    22/7 16:30

•           The Interpolated Pipeline Method; a New AD Conversion Architecture  17:30

•           CMOS mm-wave Transceiver Design                        23/7 09:30


Prof. Boris Murmann, Associate Professor,

Head of Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit Design Group,

Stanford University, USA

•           Analysis and Design of Switched-Capacitor Circuits           23/7 09:30

•           Design of Pipelined A/D Converters                        23/7 11:15

•           Digitally Assisted Data Converter Design                    23/7 17:15


PhD Oral Defenses

IMPORTANT EVENT – PhD Oral Defenses on Microelectronics  22-July 2011

Opening and Live Demo – Location: State Key Lab. of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, JLG212

10:15   Live Demo & Evaluation of Data Converter Measurements by PhD Candidates


Committee Chair: Prof. Simon Ho, Vice Rector (Academic Affairs), UM

External Examiners: Prof. Ian Galton, Prof. Bram Nauta, Prof. Akira Matsuzawa and Prof. Boris Murmann

Internal Examiner: Prof. Mang-I Vai

Supervisor: Prof. Seng-Pan U

Co-Supervisor: Prof. Rui Paulo Martins

Title: High Speed Power / Area Optimized Multi-Bit / Cycle SAR ADCs

Candidate: He-Gong Wei        22/7 11:30, T303

Title: Circuit Techniques for High-Performance SAR Type ADCs

Candidate: Yan Zhu            22/7 14:00, T303

Distinguished Lectures & Lab Workshop

Time and Location


Presented by


Opening – Location: State Key Lab. of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, JLG212

22-July High Efficiency Low Power Data Converters (16:00 – 19:30, 16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break)

22-July 16:30  HG02

Low Voltage and Low Power ADC Design

Prof. Akira Matsuzawa


The Interpolated Pipeline Method; a New AD Conversion Architecture

Prof. Akira Matsuzawa


Ultra Low-power & Wideband High-speed Nyquist AD Converter

Prof. Bram Nauta


23-July Morning Parallel Sessions (09:30-12:45, 11:00-11:15 Coffee break)

Session 1: Oversampling Data Converters

23-July 09:30  HG01

Mismatch-Shaping Techniques for Delta-Sigma Data Converters

Prof. Ian Galton

Session 2: SC Circuits & Nyquist Rate Data Converters

23-July 09:30  HG02

Analysis and Design of Switched-Capacitor Circuits

Prof. Boris Murmann

23-July 11:15  HG02

Design of Pipelined A/D Converters

Prof. Boris Murmann

Session 3: RF and mm-wave Circuits

23-July 09:30  HG03

CMOS mm-wave Transceiver Design

Prof. Akira Matsuzawa

23-July 11:15  HG03

RF Circuit Techniques in Nanometer CMOS

Prof. Bram Nauta

Afternoon Sessions (15:15 – 18:30, 17:00-17:15 Coffee break)

23-July 15:15  HG02

Digital Background Calibration in Pipelined ADCs

Prof. Ian Galton

23-July 17:15  HG02

Digitally Assisted Data Converter Design

Prof. Boris Murmann