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ChenYan Cai, Yang Jiang, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, A Passive Excess-Loop-Delay Compensation Technique for Gm-C Based Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulators

IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems – MWSCAS

pp. 1-4 Aug-2011
Jianyu Zhong, Yan Zhu, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, Multi-Merged-Switched Redundant Capacitive DACs for 2b/cycle SAR ADC

IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems – MWSCAS

pp. 1-4 Aug-2011
Tao He, Yun Du, JIANG Yang, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, A Dual-VCO-Based Quantizer with Highly Improved Linearity and Enlarged Dynamic Range

in IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)

JIANG Yang, ChenYan Cai, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, Clock-Jitter Sensitivity Reduction in CT Sigma-Delta Modulators Using Voltage-Crossing Detection DAC

IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems – MWSCAS

pp. 1-4 Aug-2011
Tao He, Yun Du, Yang Jiang, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, A Dual-VCO-Based Quantizer with Highly Improved Linearity and Enlarged Dynamic Range

IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems – MWSCAS

pp. 1-4 Aug-2011
Peng Zhang, Zhijie Chen, He Gong Wei, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, Zhihua Wang, R. P. Martins, A Charge Pump Based Timing-Skew Calibration for Time-Interleaved ADC

", IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems – MWSCAS

pp. 1-4 Aug-2011
Zhijie Chen, Peng Zhang, He Gong Wei, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, Zhihua Wang, Noise Shaping Implementation in Two-Step/SAR ADC Architectures Based on Delayed Quantization Error

IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems – MWSCAS

pp. 1-4 Aug-2011
Pui In Mak, Can Artificial Intelligence be Realized and will it Benefit Humanity

IEEE Potentials

Vol. 30, issue 2, pp 6-7 Jul-2011
Xin Wang, Teng Cao, Boyu Wang, Feng Wan, Peng Un Mak, Pui In Mak, Mang I Vai, An Online SSVEP-based Chatting System

International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE)

pp. 536-539 Jun-2011
Sio Hang Pun, Yue Ming Gao, Peng Un Mak, Mang I Vai, Min Du, Quasi-static Modeling of Human Limb for Intra-Body Communications with Experiments

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology on Biomedicine

Vol.15, Issue 6, pp 870-876 Jun-2011
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