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Seng-Pan U, Young Researcher Prize 2003

International Institute of Macau

Pui In Mak, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, A Novel IF Channel Selection Technique by Analog-Double quadrature Sampling for Complex Low-IF Receivers

in Proc. of International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT)

vol. 2, pp. 1238-1241 Apr-2003
Seng-Pan U, The Most Favorite Teacher in 3rd- and 4th-year of EEE

Faculty of Science and Technology Students’ Association

Fan Lou, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, N-Path Multirate Sigma-Delta Modulator For High Frequency Application

in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS)

vol. 1, pp. 315-318 Sep-2002
Fan Lou, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, Mismatch-Insensitive N-Path Multirate Sigma-Delta Modulator for High-Frequency Applications

in Proc. of 45th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)

vol. 1, pp. I-360-I-363 Aug-2002
Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, Design and Analysis of Low Timing-Skew Clock Generation for Time-Interleaved Sampled-Data Systems

of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

vol. 4, pp. 441-444 May-2002
Seng-Pan U, The Most Favorite Teacher in EEE

Faculty of Science and Technology Students’ Association

Seng-Pan U, Very Good with Honor and Distinction

University of Macau for Ph.D. degree (Highest honor)

Seng-Pan U, The Outstanding Alumni Award

Hou Kong Middle School of Macau

Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, A 2.5-V 57-MHz 15-Tap SC Bandpass Interpolating Filter with 320-MHz Output for DDFS System in 0.35-µm CMOS

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

Vol. 39, No.1 Feb-2002
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