
Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, Experimental Results of SC Fractional Multirate Converters with Intermittent Polyphase Structures

in Proc. of the First Portugal-China Workshop on Solid-State Circuits

pp. 28-29 Oct-2000
Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, Improved Switched-Capacitor Interpolators with Reduced Sample-and-Hold Effects

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing

vol. 47, Issue 8, pp. 665-684 Aug-2000
Sai Weng Sin, Excellent Scholarship of HSBC (The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) for the outstanding academic achievement

University of Macau

Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, A linear-phase halfband SC video interpolation filter with coefficient-sharing and spread-reduction

IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

vol. 3, pp. 177-180 May-2000
Seng-Pan U, Excellent Research Scholarship

Center of Microsystems, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal

R. P. Martins, Medal of Merit (Class of Professional Merit)

Decoration attributed by the Macao Government (Portuguese Administration)

Seng-Pan U, Neves, R., R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, A 120 MHz SC 4th-Order Elliptic Interpolation Filter with Accurate Gain and Offset Compensation for Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer

The First IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on ASICs (AP-ASIC’99)

pp. 1-4 Aug-1999
Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, High Performance Multirate SC Circuits with Predictive Correlated Double Sampling Technique

in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

Vol. 2, pp 77-80 May-1999
Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, Highly Accurate Mismatch-Free SC Delay Circuits with Reduced Finite Gain and Offset Sensitivity

in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

Vol. 2, pp 57-60 May-1999
Seng-Pan U, Certificate of Merit

Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) for IEE (HK) Younger Members Section Paper Contest 97/98 (Postgraduate Session)

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