
Seng-Pan U, Ho-Ming Cheong, lu Leong Chan, Keng-Meng Chan, U-Chun Chan, Mantou Liu, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, An SC CCIR-601 Video Restitution Filter with 13.5 MSample/s Input and 108 MSample/s Output

in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on ASIC (ASICON)

pp. 374-377 Oct-2001
Seng-Pan U, A Novel Frequency-Translated Filtering Technique for DDFS Systems and its Integrated Circuit Implementation

in Proc. of The 4th China Association Science and Technology (CAST) Conference of Young Scientists

pp. 46-47 Oct-2001
Sai Weng Sin, Lai Keng Chong, Chiang Kuok Vai, Choi Wai Wa, K.W.Tam, R. P. Martins, An analytical linearization method for CMOS MMIC power amplifier using Multiple Gated Transistors

in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on ASIC - ASICON’2001

pp. 670-672 Oct-2001
Sai Weng Sin, Lai Keng Chong, Chiang Kuok Vai, Choi Wai Wa, K.W.Tam, R. P. Martins, A New IMD3 Reduction Approach based on Composite Effect of g""m and g""ds,""

Proceedings of IEEE CAS Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking, South Bend, Indiana

Sai Weng Sin, Excellent Scholarship of CEM (Companhia de Electricidade de Macau) for the outstanding academic achievement

University of Macau

Sai Weng Sin, Excellent Scholarship of Macau Foundation for the outstanding academic achievement

University of Macau

Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, A High-Speed Frequency Up-Translated SC Bandpass Filter With Auto-Zeroing For DDFS Systems

in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

vol. 1, pp. 320-323 May-2001
Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, J.E.Franca, High-Frequency Low-Power Multirate SC Realizations For NTSC/PAL Digital Video Filtering

IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

vol. 1, pp. 204-207 May-2001
Seng-Pan U, Excellent Young Scholar Award 2001 (First Prize)

University of Macau

Pui In Mak, Vodatel Crossland Scholarship

University of Macau

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