
Yan Zhu, Chi Hang Chan, U-Fat Chio, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, Split-SAR ADCs: Improved Linearity with Power and Speed Optimization

", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems

Vol.22, Issue: 2 , pp 372 - 383 Feb-2014
Zushu Yan, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Predoctoral Achievement Award 2013-14

IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society

Fujian Lin, Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, An RF-to-BB current-reuse wideband receiver with parallel N-path active/passive mixers and a single-MOS pole-zero LPF

IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)

pp 74-75 Feb-2014
A. Bermak, Chao Shi, Man-Kay Law, Method and Apparatus for Energy Harvesting using CMOS Sensor

Granted Number: 8,629,386

Application Number: 12/711,034

US Patent

S. Fraden, Yanwei Jia, H. Boukellal, S. Selimovic, A. Rowat, J. Agresti, D. A. Weitz, Manipulation of Fluids, Fluid Components and Reactions in Microfluidic Systems

Granted Number: 8592221

US Patent

Yaohua Zhao, Pui In Mak, Man-Kay Law, R. P. Martins, A 0.127-mm2, 5.6-mW, 5th-Order SC LPF with +23.5-dBm IIP3 and 1.5-to-15-MHz Clock-Defined Bandwidth in 65-nm CMOS

IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC)

pp 361-364 Nov-2013
Chi-Seng Lam, Chi-Yung Chung, Man-Chung Wong, Review of current quality compensators for high power unidirectional electric vehicle battery charger

The IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference 2013 (IFEEC 2013)

Tainan, Taiwan, pp 259-264 Nov-2013
Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Kong Wong, Design of LCL filter for harmonic suppression in co-phase railway power quality conditioner

The IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference 2013 (IFEEC 2013)

pp 794-799 Nov-2013
Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Design and Control of Hybrid Active Power Filters

Series of Springer Briefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Springer

ISBN 978-3-642-41323-0 (1st Power Electronics Book in UM)
Bin Zhang, Io-Keong Lok, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Kong Wong, Three-level hybrid active power filter with quasi-resonant dc-link technique in three-phase four-wire system

The IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference 2013 (IFEEC 2013)

pp 52-57 Nov-2013
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