
C. Xu, Y. L. Wang, C. Y. Zhang, Yanwei Jia, Y. J. Luo, X. Y. Gao, AuGd integrated nanoprobes for optical/MRI/CT triple-modal in vivo tumor imaging

RSC Nanoscale

9, 4620-4628 Mar-2017
Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Modeling and parameter design of thyristor controlled LC-coupled hybrid active power filter (TCLC-HAPF) for unbalanced compensation

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 1827 – 1840 Mar-2017
Changhao Chen, Elizabeth A. McCullagh, Sio Hang Pun, Peng Un Mak, Mang I Vai, Pui In Mak, Achim Klug, Tim C. Lei, An Integrated Circuit for Simultaneous Extracellular Electrophysiology Recording and Optogenetic Neural Manipulation

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

Vol. 64 , Issue: 3, pp 557 - 568 Mar-2017
Jiang DongYang, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, Franco Maloberti, Reconfigurable mismatch-free time-interleaved bandpass sigma–delta modulator for wireless communications

Electronics Letters

Vol. 53 , Issue: 7, pp 506 - 508 Mar-2017
Mo Huang, Yan Lu, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, An Output-Capacitor-Free Analog-Assisted Digital Low-Dropout Regulator with Tri-loop Control

IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers (ISSCC)

Junmin Jiang, Yan Lu, Wing-Hung Ki, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, A Dual-Symmetrical-Output Switched-Capacitor Converter with Dynamic Power Cells and Minimized Cross Regulation for Application Processors in 28nm CMOS

IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers (ISSCC)

Chi Hang Chan, Yan Zhu, Ho Iok Meng, Zhang WaiHong, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, A 5mW 7b 2.4GS/s 1-then-2b/cycle SAR ADC with Background Offset Calibration

IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)

pp. 282-284 Feb-2017
Chi Hang Chan, Yan Zhu, Sai Weng Sin, Boris Murmann, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, Metastablility in SAR ADCs

press in IEEE Transactions on CAS – Part II: Express Briefs

Volume: 64, Issue: 2, pp.111 - 115 Feb-2017
Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, Lei Wang, A Hybrid STATCOM with wide compensation range and low dc-link voltage

Application, No. 15/425,270

US Utility Patent

Wei-Han Yu, Haidong Yi, Pui In Mak, Jun Yin, R. P. Martins, A 0.18V 382µW Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) Receiver with 1.33nW Sleep Power for Energy-Harvesting Applications in 28nm CMOS

IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Digest.

pp. 414-415, Feb-2017
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