
Zhai Jiao, Yanwei Jia, L. N. Zhao, Q. Yuan, F. P. Gao, X. C. Zhang, P. J. Cai, L. Gao, J. J. Gao, S. H. Yi, Z. F. Chai, Y. L. Zhao, X. Y. Gao, Turning on/off the anti-tumor effect of the Au cluster via atomically controlling its molecular size

ACS Nano

12, 4378-4386 Apr-2018
Chi Hang Chan, Yan Zhu, Zhang WaiHong, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, A Two-Way Interleaved 7-b 2.4-GS/s 1-Then-2 b/Cycle SAR ADC with Background Offset Calibration

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

vol.53, No.3, pp.850-860 Mar-2018
Sio Hang Pun, Yuanyu Yu, Jian Zhang, Jiu Jiang Wang, Ching-Hsiang Cheng, Kin Fong Lei, Zhen Yuan, Pui In Mak, Monolithic Multiband CMUTs for Photoacoustic Computed Tomography WithIn VivoBiological Tissue Imaging

: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control

Vol.65, No.3, pp 465 - 475 Mar-2018
X. Zhong, A. Bermak, Chi-Ying Tsui, Man-Kay Law, Student Research Preview,

IEEE International Solid-State Circuit Conference (ISSCC)

Jun Yin, S. Yang, H. Yi, Wei-Han Yu, Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, A 0.2V Energy-Harvesting BLE Transmitter with a Micropower Manager Achieving 25% System Efficiency at 0dBm Output and 5.2nW Sleep Power in 28nm CMOS

Digest of Technical Papers from IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference – ISSCC 2018

vol.61, pp.450-452 Feb-2018
Xiaofei Ma, Yan Lu, R. P. Martins, Qiang Li, A 0.4V 430nA quiescent current NMOS digital LDO with NAND-based analog-assisted loop in 28nm CMOS

2018 IEEE International Solid - State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC)

Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Seng Lam, Lei Wang, Chi-Kong Wong, Analysis in the effects of operation voltage range in flexible dc control on railway HPQC compensation capability in high-speed co-phase railway power

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

vol. 33, Issue. 2, pp. 1760 – 1774 Feb-2018
Chi-Kong Wong, Man-Chung Wong, Hai Jie Wen, Chi-Seng Lam, Wai-Hei Choi, A 97.0% maximum efficiency, fast response, low voltage ripple KY boost converter for photovoltaic application

2018 IEEE 1st International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES)

Hamilton, New Zealand Feb-2018
Fangyu Mao, Yan Lu, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, A reconfigurable cross-connected wireless-power transceiver for bidirectional device-to-device charging with 78.1% total efficiency

2018 IEEE International Solid - State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC)

Shiheng Yang, Jun Yin, Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, A 0.0056mm2all-digital MDLL using edge re-extraction, dual-ring VCOs and a 0.3mW block-sharing frequency tracking loop achieving 292fsrmsJitter and −249dB FOM

2018 IEEE International Solid - State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC)

[Invited Special Issue in JSSC] Feb-2018
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