
Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Comparisons of different hybrid inverters for power quality compensation with/without active power injection

The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018)

pp.1085-1090 Oct-2018
Mo Huang, Yan Lu, An Overview of Digital Low Drop-out Regulator Design

2018 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS)

Lingshan Kong, Yong Chen, Chirn Chye Boon, Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, A wideband inductorless dB-linear automatic-gain control amplifier using a single-branch negative exponential generator for wireline applications

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I

vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 3196-3206 Oct-2018
Chi-Seng Lam, Yongheng Yang, Qing Zhong, Yandong Chen, Keng-Weng Lao, Advanced Power Electronic Converters and Power Quality Conditioning

Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Volume 2018, Article ID 9701013, 2 pages Oct-2018
Jianyang Deng, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Lei Wang, Sai Weng Sin, R. P. Martins, A Power Quality Indexes Measurement System Platform with Remote Alarm Notification

44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018)

Ziyang Luo, Yan Lu, R. P. Martins, 0.45-V 5.4-nW switched-capacitor bandgap reference with intermittent operation and improved supply immunity

Electronics Letters

Vol. 54, No.20, pp 1154 - 1156 Oct-2018
Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Selective power management control for hybrid active power filter

The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018)

Chi-Wa Chao, Wai-Hei Choi, Chi-Seng Lam, Chi-Kong Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Voltage mode controller design and experimental verification of a three-phase capacitive-coupling grid connected inverter in PV system

The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018)

pp. 4404 - 4408 Oct-2018
Wai-Hei Choi, Chi-Seng Lam, Chi-Wa Chao, Man-Chung Wong, DC-link voltage reduction design method for three-phase four-wire LC-hybrid active powers under reactive and unbalanced current compensation

The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018)

pp. 3603 - 3608 Oct-2018
Xiaopeng Zhong, Bo Zhang, A. Bermak, Chi-Ying Tsui, Man-Kay Law, A Low-Power Compression-Based CMOS Image Sensor With Microshift-Guided SAR ADC

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs

Vol.65, No.10, pp 1350 - 1354 Oct-2018
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