
Pui In Mak, 2011 University of Macau Academic Staff Award Awarded – For outstanding performances and achievements contributed for the UM international projection

University of Macau

Pui In Mak, 2007-2009 University of Macau Research Award – Emerging Scholar (For his contribution of excellent research to the community and global industry.)

University of Macau with citation

Pui In Mak, IEEE CASS Outstanding Young Author Award (for the Best Journal Paper)

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, for authoring a meritorious paper published in any of the CAS Society’s Transactions whose author at the date of submission is <30 years of age. [among the five Best Paper Awards selected from all IEEE CAS Society Transactions]

U-Fat Chio, Hou-Lon Choi, Chi Hang Chan, Si-Seng Wong, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, Award for Research Excellence 2007-2009

University of Macau

Ka-Fai Un, Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, Certificate of Merit (DC-Offset-Compensated, CT/DT Hybrid Filter with Process-Insensitive Cutoff and Low In-Band Group-Delay Variation for WLAN Receivers)

IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems – APCCAS’2008

U-Fat Chio, Hou-Lon Choi, Chi Hang Chan, Si-Seng Wong, Bronze Leaf Certificate (Comparator-Based Successive Folding ADC)

IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Micro-electronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia 2009)

, Silver Leaf Certificate

IEEE Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics Conference Asia – PRIMEASIA'2009

Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, 2010 Outstanding Young Author Award (Design of an ESD-Protected Ultra-Wideband LNA in Nanoscale CMOS for Full-Band Mobile TV Tuners)

IEEE CAS Society;IEEE Transactions on CAS – Part I: Regular Papers

R. P. Martins, Certificate of Merit

Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Portuguese Diaspora - Award

R. P. Martins, Seng-Pan U, Pui In Mak, 2009 World-Chapter of the Year

IEEE Circuits And Systems Society, IEEE Macau Joint-Chapter on CAS/COM, Founding Chapter Chair 2005-2008

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