
Date and Time: 15th October 2013 (Tuesday), 10:00 AM

Venue: HG01, Lecture Theatre, Ho Yin Convention Centre, University of Macau



Automobile electronics has been deemed as the 4th “C” with a potentially gigantic market right after Computer, Communication and Consumer electronics. The next-generation automobile electronics are aiming at safety, comfort, convenience, ubiquity, and environment-friendly.  FlexRay standard has been promoted for in-car networking to achieve the mentioned goals. It will not replace the existing network, but it can combine and integrate with existing systems, including CAN, LIN, MOST, etc. FlexRay requires 10 Mbps data rate in either one of the two channel of an ECU. The ultimate goal is that the automobile is X-by-wire.  The Tx/Rx design and protocol basics of FlexRay standard will be briefed in this talk. 




Dr. Chua-Chin Wang received the PhD. degree in electrical engineering from SUNY (State University of New York) at Stony Brook, USA, in 1992.  He then joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU), Taiwan.  Dr. Wang’s research interests include VLSI and mixed-signal circuit design. He has published more than 110 journal papers and 220 conference papers, and has been granted more than 70 patents in different countries.  In 2005 and 2009, he was awarded with Best Inventor Award, respectively.  He won Distinguished Electrical Engineering Professor Award of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers in 2007. He won Outstanding Paper Award of 2008 IEEE Inter. Conf. of Consumer Electronics and Best Paper Award of 2011 IEEE PrimeAsia.  He was elevated to Disguished Professor of NSYSU in 2010. He won Distinguished Engineering Professor Award of Chinese Institute of Engineers in 2012. He is now Green Electronics Program Director of National Project of Intellignet Electronics (NPIE) in Taiwan. He is Fellow of IET (2012). He becomes Chair Professor of NSYSU in 2013.


Dr. Wang was Tainan Chapter Chair of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) for 2007-2008.  He was the founding Chair of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Tainan Chapter, and the founding Consultant of IEEE NSYSU Student Branch (2007).  He is now Vice President of IEEE Tainan Section.  He is member of IEEE CASS Multimedia Systems & Applications (MSA), VLSI Systems and Applications (VSA), Nanoelectronics and Giga-scale Systems (NG), and Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Technical Committees.  He is senior member of IEEE since 2004. He was IEEE CASS Nanoelectronics and Giga-scale Systems (NG) Technical Committee Chair for 2008-2009.  H served as Associate Editor of IEEE TCAS-II during 2010-2011, and Associate Ediotr of IEEE TCAS-I during 2010-2012.  Dr. Wang was General Chair of 2007 VLSI/CAD Symposium, General Co-Chair of 2010 Inter. Symp. On Next-generation Electronics (2010 ISNE), Confernce Chair of 2011 IEEE Inter. Conf. On IC Design and Technology (2011 ICICDT), and General Chair of 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (2012 APCCAS) for IEEE CASS.